Sunday, June 26, 2011


サイレントオークションの品をご寄付いただくことができる方は までお問い合わせください。随時Seattleites Help Japan Facebook にて情報更新中です!

下記は本プロジェクトの3月24日から現在までのメディア(Media) 掲載実績です。
  • SEVEN HILLS PREMIUM (雑誌)に Seattleites Help Japan project が行ったワイン&サイレントオークションイベントが掲載されました。
  • 日経ウーマンオンラインに Seattleites Help Japan Project が行ったワイン&サイレントオークションイベントが掲載されました。
  • シアトルガイド にSeattleites Help Japan Project が行ったワイン&サイレントオークションイベントが掲載されました。
  • 東日本大震災の被災者応援写真集「世界の“絆”グラフ」 に Seattleites Help Japan Project イベントの写真が掲載されました。 また、インプレスグループで法人向け情報コミュニケーション技術関連メディア事業を手がける株式会社インプレスR&D(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長:井芹昌信)は、4月27日に発行した電子書籍「世界の“絆”グラフ」(OnDeck特別号)を、より多くの方にご覧頂けるように映像化し、6月1日からYouTubeで公開いたします。下記のURLからアクセスできます。私達のように世界中の各地で復興支援イベントが行われたようです。
We are going to have third silent auction event in October or November. If you have donation items, please contact us at Also we have more information&photo at Seattleites Help Japan Facebook. Japanese medias has been contacted to us and have some articles for our Seattleites Help Jaapn's project. Please contact at (Kayoko Fujita) for further questions.

Please see the letter from Peace Winds America for our $6,807's donation. You can see the original letter's photo etc at our facebook. Thank you very much for your support!

Seattlelites Help Japan
c/o Kayoko Fujita
Seattle, Washington
Dear Seattlelites Help Japan team,

Peace Winds America would like to acknowledge and express our most sincere appreciation for your donation of $6,807 received on April 22 and April 25, 2011.
Your generous contribution supports direct relief services in Japan through Peace Winds America and its sister organization Peace Winds Japan. As soon as the earthquake and tsunami hit northern Japan on March 11, 2011, both PWA and PWJ began providing relief at shelters in Miyagi and Iwate Prefectures. Peace Winds continues to serve survivors inside and outside of shelters. In particular Peace Winds sees elderly care is very important. The elderly are often forgotten or they themselves are eager for others to receive aid, neglecting their own needs. So we are taking steps to ensure that whether in shelters or temporary housing, their needs are being met. We are also assisting in economic recovery programs to revitalize local businesses. As fishing and fish farming are so critical to the livelihood of the area, Peace Winds is constructing buildings for two fishing cooperatives in Minamisanriku. These resource and management centers will serve more than 600 members. We are also working with local Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Minamisanriku, Kesennuma, Rikuzentakata, and Ofunato. We have provided the chambers and their members with supplies and services to reopen businesses and create jobs. Peace Winds America will continue working with Peace Winds Japan on relief and recovery in Japan. Your donation is most highly appreciated by the people and communities we are assisting. For more information about our efforts to mitigate and respond to natural disasters in the Asia Pacific, please visit Thank you again for your generous support.

Dr. Charles Aanenson
CEO, Peace Winds America


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